Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hollywood agent Neil Stearns and attorney/producer Tony Cohen, join forces to create ?SCMG?, Stearns Cohen Media Group, a new production and Talent Management Company.

Hollywood agent Neil Stearns and attorney/producer Tony Cohen, join forces to create ?SCMG?, Stearns Cohen Media Group, a new production and Talent Management Company.

Hollywood agent Neil Stearns and attorney/producer Tony Cohen, join forces to create “SCMG”, Stearns Cohen Media Group, a new production and Talent Management Company.

Stearns, Cohen Media and Management Group.

Beverly Hills, California (PRWEB) January 05, 2015

TV veteran Neil Stearns and Attorney/Producer Anthony Cohen, have formed Stearns Cohen Media Group LLC. The company will focus on developing and producing reality TV and low budget feature films as well as talent management. SCMG has received funding in the seven-figure range to develop and produce Reality Television, scripted content for television & low budget features.

Stearns was an agent at APA before joining Dick Clark Productions as a Senior VP. Where he spent 9 years developing and Exec Producing TV movies and series. In 2001 he returned to the agency business-joining Don Buchwald Agency to oversee Howard Stern's TV Production banner.

Stearns then formed the Venture Talent Agency where he packaged, sold and represented talent on shows such as “Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan”, "My Fair Brady”, “Pawn Stars”, “and Hotel Impossible” plus many others.

Tony Cohen has worked as an executive behind the scene of many projects, prior to joining Neil Stearns to form SCMG. Aside from his legal background he brings many years of experience in the field of entertainment business from development to completion. Currently Cohen is in the pre-production stage of his new film titled “THE SEX TRIP”, a romantic comedy that will begin production in mid March 2015.

Gino Moziani
Press Hollywood Inc.


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