Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Armored Vision casts DIY Network star Jason Cameron in "Hades Awaits."

Armored Vision casts DIY Network star Jason Cameron in "Hades Awaits."

Armored Vision casts DIY Network star Jason Cameron in "Hades Awaits."

Hades Awaits

Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) November 11, 2014

Writer and director Nathan Hill, creator of "A Man Called Nereus," has cast Jason Cameron in Armored Visions' next feature film "Hades Awaits." This allegorical Western is set to be filmed next year in the Sonoran Desert and White Mountains of Arizona, for more info go to: http://www.facebook.com/hadesawaits. Armored Vision is currently in discussions with key actors and will be announcing them soon.

"Jason is a great addition to the cast; he is excited to crossover into feature film to explore his burning passion, film acting." -Producer, Keith Wilson.

Jason's platform on the DIY Network makes him a shoe in for this picture. "Hades Awaits" will launch a crowd funding campaign this month on Indie go-go. The synergy is growing quickly for this fascinating script, finished just months ago. Hades Awaits is another original story by Nathan Hill, for the story synopsis go to: http://www.hadesawaits.com

"We are creating an exciting, classic, art house style picture, but also infusing characters, history and story never before seen in a western." -Director Nathan Hill.

Be sure to check out "A Man Called Nereus" http://www.amancallednereus.com on ITunes, Amazon and Indiereign.com and coming soon to Xbox, PlayStation and Dish Network.


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