OsirisSC2Guide.com Launches New Starcraft 2 Counters List
(PRWEB) October 31, 2013
OsirisSC2Guide.com has just revamped and re-released their popular Starcraft 2 unit counters list. The full list of unit counters can be found at http://www.osirissc2guide.com/starcraft-2-counters-list.html.
In Starcraft 2, players control a variety of units in a strategy-based real time war game. The objective is to destroy the enemy's forces before their own forces get destroyed by the enemy. Each unit type has certain strengths and weaknesses. Since players get to pick what units compose their army, the goal of any player is to build an army that is strong against the units the opponent has built. Units that are particularly strong against an enemy's unit are said to "counter" that enemy unit. Units that are weak against an enemy's unit are said to be "countered" by that enemy unit.
According to the site's creator, Cody Collins, that despite being only a few pages in length, the unit counters guide has always been one of the most popular and heavily trafficked sections of OsirisSC2Guide.com. Building an army that counters an opponent's forces is key to winning games of Starcraft 2. Even with a tactical, army size, and resource advantage, players may find themselves losing the game against an under-supplied opponent if the opponent's army is particularly strong against their own army. Since understanding unit counters is so important, all Starcraft 2 players study and memorize these unit counters.
The new update expands this section to include all of the new units introduced in Heart of the Swarm. This expansion pack introduced 7 new units into the world of Starcraft 2. These new units have turned the previous counters upside down, as some of the new units counter old units while some of the old units are required to counter the new units. To make things even more complicated, abilities from some of the new units have rendered old unit counters obsolete. For example, the Mothership Core has made it difficult for Zerglings to cause much trouble by avoiding Protoss Zealots.
In the future, the guide's creator Cody Collins plans to add full pages to the unit counters guide for each unit discussing the intricacies of each unit counter. While the guide currently works on a macro level, the simple charts that compose the guide now cannot possibly cover all aspects of Starcraft 2. An example of this that the chart says that Marauders are countered by Zerglings, but the Terran rarely uses just Marauders. Instead, Terran players have taken to incorporating a few Hellbats into their army, which are so strong against Zerglings that the Marauder weakness against Zerglings is a moot point.
About OsirisSC2Guide.com
OsirisSC2Guide.com is a leading provider of strategies, tactics, walkthroughs, and guides Starcraft 2, the popular PC game. Players can find full strategy guides for all aspects of the game, from the single player achievements to multiplayer build orders. For more details, visit http://www.osirissc2guide.com.
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